For the third time.. America drops an unknown object over...
Fighter jets have now shot down three objects in airspace over the United States...
71% increase in foreign direct investment to Egypt
there is a 71% increase in foreign direct investment and a 29% increase in the proceeds...
Despite the sanctions .. Iran and Russia's oil goes to...
India shipped about 89,000 barrels per day of gasoline and diesel to New York last...
With names.. The government offers 32 companies on the...
The government stated that the 32 companies in which shares will be offered include...
$1.2 billion in 2023.. New investments for the Zohr field
what has been achieved in the Zahr field has been unprecedented rates of achievement...
Including Egypt.. Arab countries lead the best markets...
Saudi Arabia is the most glamorous country in the world for the logistics industry
$9.1 billion.. America second largest trading partner of...
Egypt accounted for 5% of the total exports of the Middle East and North Africa...
10 information about the Damietta complex for the liquefaction...
the Damietta complex for the liquefaction and export of natural gas on the Mediterranean...
$104 million... Romanian investments in Egypt
There are good areas and opportunities for cooperation with Romania in the field...
5 banks offer investment certificates with the highest...
Private sector banks finished selling certificates of 20% and 22.5% offered earlier...
$994 million.. volume Trade exchange between Egypt and...
Egypt and Switzerland have distinguished trade and investment relations.
175,000 perform Hajj this year in India.. A new decision...
New laws in India regarding Hajj, And there is good news for girls through allowing...
28 billion EGP.. the volume of investments in the sports...
The Youth and Sports Committee will hold 3 hearings today, Tuesday, and its agenda...