Finally.. canceling the schedules and paper books of the Public Prosecution Office
The Public Prosecutor decides to cancel the schedules and paper books of the Public Prosecution Office.

Counselor Hamada El-Sawy, the Public Prosecutor, issued a decision to cancel the work of all schedules and paper books in the Public Prosecution Office, as of the first day of next January.
Cancellation of criminal prosecution books
9 schedules and 16 books in criminal prosecutions will be canceled, and electronic registration and inventory will be sufficient for the “digital criminal justice” and “electronic execution” systems that the Public Prosecution operates in, after the completion of its development and regularity.
As well as canceling the work of paper financial books in criminal claim units, as of the first day of next July, as they are linked to the fiscal year.
The abolition of paper books in all family offices
He also issued a decision to cancel work on paper schedules and notebooks in all family prosecution offices nationwide, which are 47 schedules and notebooks, as of the first day of next January, as a test as a transitional period, provided that work on them is finally canceled on the first of next March.
It will be sufficient to work on the digital system for the "family prosecution", as well as to cancel the work on paper financial books, with family claim units, as of the first of next July, as they are linked to the fiscal year.
Digital transformation
The two aforementioned decisions come within the framework of achieving the objectives of the second phase of the Public Prosecution’s strategy for digital transformation, and the steps it is taking towards the technical development of the programs it uses in carrying out its work, which have become qualified and complete to meet the basic requirements of the Public Prosecution’s work, allowing for the dispensation of most paperwork. At the current stage, it is one of the stages of digital organizational development within the Public Prosecution.