Documentary channel announces new jobs for young people
The United Company announced its need to fill the positions of the Egyptian Documentary Channel 2023, in several areas.

In light of the search of many young people for suitable job opportunities, the documentary channel announced a number of jobs.
The Documentary Channel, one of the channels of the United Media Services Company, expressed through its official account on the social networking site Facebook, its need to fill a number of jobs and specializations.
The United Media Services Company, through its official account on the social networking site “Facebook”, mentioned the details of the Egyptian Documentary Channel 2023 jobs, the required specializations, and how to apply.
Egyptian Documentary Channel Jobs 2023
The United Company announced its need to fill the positions of the Egyptian Documentary Channel 2023, in several areas, namely:
- Montier.
- Monitor promotional ads.
- Graphic designer.
- Archival and historical researcher.
- Producer and researcher.
- Technical product.
- Social media specialist.
- Production Manager.
- Production outlet.
How to apply for the jobs of the Egyptian Documentary Channel 2023?
Those wishing to apply for the positions of the Egyptian Documentary Channel 2023 should apply by clicking here.
According to the company, the deadline for submission is Sunday, January 15th.
The United Media Services Company announced the allocation of a sector for documentary production, and the establishment of a documentary channel, the first in Egypt, to be concerned with documentary production.
The trial broadcast will start in January, and the channel is scheduled to be officially launched next May.