15 cases specified by law for periods of rest at work.. Know them

The Labor Law guarantees the regulation of workers’ rights as well as their duties towards the employer, in a way that guarantees each party his right. Therefore, the law defines controls for rest times at work, in a way that ensures that they do not affect work performance, and at the same time facilitates the worker’s performance of his duties.
The articles of the Labor Law stipulate controls for rest periods at work, which are as follows:
Article 81 of the Labor Law
• Working hours must include one or more periods for eating and resting.
• Total rest periods shall not be less than an hour.
• In determining the rest period, the worker must not work for more than 5 consecutive hours.
• The competent minister may determine, by a decision from him, the cases or works in which, for technical reasons or operating conditions, work must continue without a rest period.
• The competent minister determines the difficult or exhausting jobs in which the worker is granted rest periods, which are calculated from the actual working hours.
Article 82
- Working hours and rest periods must be organized so that the period between the beginning and end of working hours does not exceed ten hours per day.
- The rest period is calculated from the hours of presence if the worker is at the workplace during it.
-Excluded from this provision are workers engaged in intermittent work, which is determined by the competent minister by a decision from him, so that their presence does not exceed 12 hours per day.
Article 83
Work in the establishment must be organized so that each worker gets a weekly rest of no less than 24 full hours after 6 consecutive working days at most.
The weekly rest shall be paid.
Article 84
- It is permissible in places far from urbanization and in works that are required by the nature of the work or the operating conditions in which the work continues, to collect the weekly rest due to the worker for a period not exceeding 8 weeks.
- The Work and Penalty Regulations specify the rules for obtaining the accumulated weekly rest.
- The establishments whose number of workers is less than 10 shall set the rules for regulating the combined weekly rest, in accordance with the decisions issued by the establishment.
- It is taken into account in calculating the period of the combined weekly rest that it starts from the hour of arrival of the workers to the nearest site with transportation and ends at the hour of return to it.
- If the worker is employed on the day of rest with the intention of facing unusual work necessities or exceptional circumstances, the worker is entitled to compensation similar to his wages for that day, and the employer grants him another day instead.