$104 billion for Epidemic Control Fund.. Saudi Arabia calls for predicting diseases
During the past three years, many diseases have spread, most notably the deadly Corona virus, the Omicron mutant, and monkeypox, and these diseases have had the greatest impact on the country's economies.

It seems that the whole world is going through severe economic crises due to the deadly viruses that have killed many countries, so calls for predicting disasters are embarrassed.
Pandemic prediction
In this regard, the Saudi Minister of Health, Fahd Al-Jalajil, called on the international community to support efforts to predict health pandemics and strengthen early warning systems.
During his participation in the second meeting of the Joint Working Group of Health and Finance Ministers, within the Group of Twenty, yesterday, Al-Jalajil indicated the need to redouble international efforts to address antimicrobials.
Al-Jalajil said that great efforts made by the joint working group to analyze the causes of the pandemic led to the accurate knowledge of the deficiencies, pointing to the importance of discovering the gaps in the international health system and working with a new methodology to fill them.
Bali Summit
The Saudi Minister of Health explained that the integration of the health and financial aspects is important in managing a strong international system capable of addressing future health challenges, stressing the importance of building on the outcomes of the Riyadh Summit 2020, which was supported by the Indonesian presidency at this year's "Bali Summit", praising - in the same context - With its efforts in making the group’s work successful, and offering Saudi Arabia’s support for the Indian presidency at next year’s summit.
$1.4 billion to tackle pandemics
The Group of Twenty countries have raised $1.4 billion for the Global Health Pandemic Fund to help prevent a recurrence of the Corona pandemic, which has killed more than 6.6 million people and damaged the global economy.
The World Bank will manage the fund to help low- and middle-income countries and cope with future pandemics, as it has secured pledges from more than 20 countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other organizations. More pledges are expected.
“The amount raised so far is just the beginning,” says Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Indonesia's finance minister, which is hosting the G20 summit.
$31 billion to support the health system
"The required amount is about $31 billion, but this will not be the only tool related to preparing for the health system," she added.
The G20 countries had started to establish the fund last year, headed by Italy, at a time when countries were struggling to obtain sufficient funds to confront the Corona pandemic, with a deficit of up to 16 billion dollars, according to the World Health Organization.