Karim Abu Al-Magd.. Who is the Egyptian magician who performed a third of the world's bowel transplants?
Karim Abu Al-Magd stayed 3 months in America without a job and without a salary, although he had two children, but he was determined to work with Starzl to learn organ transplantation from him. As a result of his insistence, Starzl appointed him as his assistant and stipulated that he not leave him until after he fell ill or died.

The international surgeon and pioneer of intestinal transplantation in the world, Karim Abu Al-Magd, went through a difficult journey in the world of medicine until he was on the list of the most famous doctors in the world.
Dr. Karim Abu Al-Magd topped the trend in Egypt, which made many people wonder who is this doctor who filled the world with his achievements? And what is his scientific and medical career since his graduation until he became the largest bowel transplant doctor in the world?
The life of Dr. Karim Abu Al-Magd
• The world-class surgeon was born in the village of Mit Adlan, Dikernes Center, Dakahlia Governorate.
• He lived his childhood as an orphan after the death of his father when he was 6 years old and was raised by his mother.
• Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University in 1976.
• Obtained a master's degree from Mansoura University in 1978.
• He decided to go to America to benefit and be able to serve his country and met Dr. Thomas Starzl, and met with him psychologically and became his spiritual father in America and asked him to learn from him, but his professor refused and returned to Egypt and returned to America again in 1989 to learn liver transplantation at the hands of Starzl.
• He stayed 3 months in America without a job and without a salary, although he had two children, but he was determined to work with Starzl to learn organ transplantation from him. As a result of his insistence, Starzl appointed him as his assistant and stipulated that he not leave him until after he fell ill or died.
• He was the closest person to Starzl scientifically, medically and humanely, and at that time he was considered the most famous liver transplant doctor in the world, and he was the one who invented liver transplantation.
Achievements of Dr. Karim Abu Al-Magd
• He obtained a doctorate jointly between Mansoura University and Emory University in the United States of America.
• Obtained an organ transplantation fellowship from the University of Pittsburgh in 1989.
• He is currently Professor and Head of the Department of Microsurgery at the Cleveland Clinic Transplantation Center, USA.
• Performed a third of organ transplants in the world.
• He single-handedly performed a third of the intestinal transplant cases around the world, which amounted to 2,500 operations.
• Since 2015, he has worked to form an Egyptian medical team that can perform organ transplants in Egypt.
Intestinal transplantation
1- It is considered that the intestine is the best organ in the body for all of us.
2- It is considered that the intestine is one of the difficult organs to grow in humans.
3- He is the inventor of intestinal transplantation and the first to perform it in the world
4- He created bowel transplants, and there were no scientific references to refer to in bowel transplantation. He helped in creating the drug trolimus, which aims to suppress immunity to reduce the body's resistance to the transplanted organ.
5- The secret of his excellence and success in bowel transplantation is the inspiration from God and his trust in the patient, as he used to spend 24 hours with the patient to feel everything the patient felt.
6- He is called “The Magician” and the success rate of his operations reached 91%.
7- Its operations extend from 18 to 24 hours.
8- He can transplant liver, intestines, pancreas and kidneys in one operation that takes 24 hours.
9- It is considered that the organ transplant surgeon has two joys, the first of which is the joy of the pulse reaching the transplanted organs, which is an overwhelming joy that no one can imagine, and the second joy is the patient’s return to his family.
10- Medicine is a humanitarian message and all doctors must believe in it, and it is not a profession
11- He considers himself an eccentric and hates the title “doctor” and considers it a word that has no meaning at all.