HR and corporate success IN positive work environment
human resources officer basically job is to clarify and improve the ways of communication between each person and all levels in the company, taking into account that himself is a human being and yourself the company.

Human Resources is the management of a company tasked with finding a fast working environment and increasing the demand for quality employees.
The human resource department is described by the department ,HR missions, The tasks of «HR» are not to record attendance and leave, vacations, penalties or bonuses and discounts, the work of HR Basic education and employment in its biggest and last role.
The human resources officer basically his job is to clarify and improve the ways of communication between each person and all levels in the company, taking into account that he himself is a human being and yourself the company.
There are no clear communication channels and steps that explain to each one in every situation how to deal and return to whom, in our nature as human beings, each one will act based on his previous experience or according to his awareness of the situation and in our nature as one human being, he will see it right!
And the problem begins, and the loss of the company begins
Where do losses start?
• The loss of the company does not have to be clear and explicit money.
• Wasting company loss
• Employees frustrate the company's loss
• If someone is good at his job, he walks because there is no clear system, and this is the biggest loss for the company!
The beginning of corporate success
Look at your company from a little distance, Think about the problems that you encountered, Analyze them, You will find that 90% or more happened due to the lack of clear steps of communication between individuals.
And start discussing with management, with every department, with every manager, with every employee, even the security personnel, the buffet and the cleaning officials.
The discussion and the method of gathering information on the basis of which it will start organizing the communication steps may be:
- Either through a problem that occurred and you tell them, "Let's analyze it and see what steps we can take to avoid it not happening again."
- Or by asking the employees in each department what is wrong with you... What stops you... What can we organize to make the work go faster and get a better result?
- Gathering this information and collecting your team and explaining to them the big and main purpose of what is happening, and start setting clear steps for each section... What is the Policy.
- Make a draft and come back and discuss and amend it with the director of the department.
- Having an internal policy for each department is something different from having a general policy for the company... The policy for each department will organize the work circle between the specialists in the department and will speed up the pace of work, reduce problems and motivate employees, and always open the door to suggestions for all levels.
-The issue is not easy and it will not work quickly, change is difficult, and you take people from their comfort zone to a new area always takes time.
-That you yourself think differently and do a new task in this job will take effort from you.
-You will resist and get tired, but the result is always in the interest of the work and in your favour.
-Of course, there is a very important need that will speed up all of this and give you an incentive, which is the support of the higher administration.
HR function
• It is the link between each of the employees and the company itself and the managers.
• It helps in providing employees with the necessary tasks, skills and training they need.
• Assists in the selection of suitable employees for jobs.
• It adds some advantages and incentives that increase job satisfaction and that will help work to increase employee performance.
• He has a very big role in meeting the needs of the work by knowing the things that the labor market needs and trying to reconcile them with what the company is producing.
• He often works with some specialists in order to manage some of the issues that the company is exposed to, whether from inside or outside.
• He does a lot of questionnaires and statistics every period in order to know the extent of job satisfaction that exists among workers or employees.
• He has a very big role in evaluating the performance of employees every period.
• It helps in conducting interviews in order to accept or reject some of the people who apply for work according to the qualifications you possess and according to the need for the work itself.
• He also has many roles, tasks and other functions that he performs that cannot be dispensed with in any job
How to create a positive work environment
1- The office design should primarily focus on comfort.
2- Colors impact our mood. The office's physical environment, which typically includes lighting, walls, and ceiling, has a significant impact on the spirit of the.
workplace environment.
3- Nurture a great Company Culture
4- Embrace Diversity in the workforce
5- Encourage healthy Work-Life Balance
6- Switch to Eco-friendly workplaces