Which is better.. Investing in gold or real estate?
gold It is the best investment compared to investing in land and real estate.

In light of the wave of high prices that prices are witnessing at the present time, this question is frequent among citizens, which is better to invest in gold or invest in real estate?
This question has spread amid the high prices that hit many citizens, and with which families began to suffer, between fear for what was saved during several previous years, in search of safety by finding a way to guarantee these savings in the hope of finding an opportunity to maximize the return from them and preserve them from eroding their values, in order to avoid the decision The worst thing in such difficult circumstances is the decision to preserve liquidity, which is taken at times, especially after the abnormal jumps that the gold market is witnessing now.
Gold is the best investment
Muhammad Yasser, who works in a bank, said: “The increase in gold prices and its crazy rise is very strange and far from any economic or scientific concept, and the best way to save the value of savings is gold without competition because the dollar or the euro is just a piece of paper against gold.” And gold It is the best investment compared to investing in land and real estate.
Swing between investing in gold, real estate and the dollar
Mina Farid, owner of one of the gold shops in the goldsmiths' market, believes that buying gold was a good investment two years ago, especially since the price per gram at the time was fairly low, but now the insane increase in gold grams during the past weeks, at rates close to 50%, it means that more than At 500 pounds per gram.
And he continued, "We will witness a fluctuation between investing in gold, real estate, and the dollar during the coming months, and it is most likely that it will be gold, especially after the unprecedented insane increase."