Knife and wine... A suspicious parcel terrifies the Israeli leadership
Israeli police opened an investigation into the arrival of a suspicious package to Prime Minister Yair Lapid

A suspicious package arrived at the Israeli Prime Minister, creating a state of terror among the Israeli security services.
Suspicious package
Immediately, the Israeli police opened an investigation into the arrival of a suspicious package to Prime Minister Yair Lapid.
For its part, the Hebrew newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” said that the Israeli Prime Minister's security opened an extensive investigation into the arrival of a suspicious package to Yair Lapid, which came through the internal mail of the Knesset.
The Israeli police and the Shin Bet are tracking the identity of the sender of the suspicious package, Yair Lapid, in which several items, including a knife, were found.
Lapid's security forces were surprised when he opened the suspicious package, finding inside it "wine, a knife with a wooden handle, and a booklet with pictures of Yair Lapid himself, in addition to two envelopes containing about 1,800 euros."
Israeli police did not identify the sender of the parcel until this moment, and are trying, in coordination with the Shin Bet, the internal intelligence service, to track down the identity of the sender, especially since the parcel was sent to the Knesset last week.
In a separate context, the Israeli Prime Minister-designate, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced on Friday that he will form, in the coming days, a government that implements the policies of the extreme right, despite the American and international warning of the danger of forming a government of the extreme right.
Benjamin Netanyahu government
"We have received a clear mandate from the citizens of Israel to implement right-wing policies, and this is what we did," Netanyahu said in his tweet, adding: "I intend to complete work on forming a government in the coming days."
The formation of an Israeli government from the extreme right raises concern in Tel Aviv, and foreign countries, as a number of countries refuse to deal with members of the extreme right.
Members of far-right groups won a preliminary vote on 4 bills, some of them very controversial, which were put in place as a precondition for the formation of the ultra-nationalist government under Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu.