Reserving social housing apartments 2023... offering units in 5 new cities

The Ministry of Social Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities announced the reservation of social housing apartments for 2023, and the offering of a number of new housing units in 3 projects in 5 new cities.
Booking social housing apartments 2023
The Social Housing Fund had announced the reservation of social housing apartments for 2023 and the conditions for obtaining housing units for the 18 announcements, in a number of different cities affiliated with urban communities.
Real Estate Finance Fund
The Ministry of Housing confirmed that social housing apartments will be reserved for 2023 through the Real Estate Finance Fund, and the completion of the delivery of all residential units in various projects, including “social housing units, Dar Misr, and Sakan Misr.”
Preparing to present the conditions brochure
The Ministry of Social Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, represented by the Real Estate Finance Fund, has made clear that preparations are being made to present the conditions booklet for housing apartments within the 18th announcement, in various branches of the National Postal Authority across Egypt, before the end of 2023.
Many citizens are keen to follow the dates for the launch of social housing apartments, so that they can reserve a housing unit, and questions remain about the prices and locations of social housing apartments in 2023.
Prices and locations of social housing apartments 2023
As the Housing Fund announced the prices and locations of social housing apartments for 2023, in Notice No. 18 and the details related to the offering and spaces, and in the following lines we explain the details regarding the residential units.
The price ranges between 245 to 360 thousand pounds
As for the prices and locations of social housing apartments in 2023, as announced by the Housing Fund, the price of the apartment ranges from 245 to 360 thousand pounds, and these units are offered through the real estate financing system in installments determined by the ministry.
The announcement of the Ministry of Social Housing explained that the spaces for residential units start from 75 meters, meaning a down payment of 15 thousand pounds. As for units with an area of 90 meters, the down payment is 22 thousand pounds, and 10% is paid upon receipt.
Also, 90% of the apartment price is paid in installments through the real estate financing system, which makes the installment over a maximum of 30 years.