It kills 200,000 people annually.. What are the groups exposed to respiratory syncytial virus?
he syncytial virus prefers young children under two years, especially infants and the elderly over 65 years.

Dr. Magdy Badran, a member of the Egyptian Society for Allergy and Immunology, said that about 10% to 20% of colds are caused by the respiratory syncytial virus.
Majdi Badran added that the common cold is normal and comes to everyone and does not cause a major problem, while the syncytial virus prefers young children under two years, especially infants and the elderly over 65 years.
He pointed out that the syncytial virus causes the death of about 200 thousand people around the world, including the elderly and infants.
He explained that there is great and global interest in America in the virus, as infection rates increased 10 times among the 65-year-olds, as well as the number of infected people who were admitted to hospitals, as well as the number of deaths.
Badran explained that 40% of colds are caused by 4 groups of corona, pointing out that the corona virus has 7 types, 5 of which were discovered in China, and it has very many strains in bats, but there are so far 7 in humans.
Badran added that influenza is a highly contagious seasonal disease, especially in the fall and winter seasons, with the peak of infection occurring in January and February.
Badran pointed out that patients with chest allergies are most vulnerable to complications from influenza, which necessitates the need to adhere to the treatment of this allergy, especially during the seasons of the spread of influenza.
He explained that the priority in taking the vaccine should be for these groups:
1. The elderly over 65 years old
2. Children under 5 years old
3. Those who suffer from immunodeficiency
4. Pregnant women
5. Drug addicts
6. Alcoholics
7. Smokers
8. Those who are overweight and obese