Surprise for Egyptians abroad.. Amendments to the law on importing cars
Extension of the initiative allows the purchase of "installment cars" and The deadline for registration is "May 14".

The Information and Decision Support Center affiliated with the Council of Ministers provided good news to Egyptians wishing to benefit from Law No. 161 of 2022 regarding granting some facilities to Egyptians residing abroad to import cars.
5 new facilities in the car import initiative
1- Allowing the import of cars in installments, After the citizen purchases it in the country in which he resides and brings it into Egypt after the end of the installments, provided that this is done within 5 years.
2- Lifting the ban on selling cars.
3- Extending the period of payment or registration at the initiative from 4 to 6 months.
4- Allowing a full refund of the paid amount within 6 months from the date of submitting a request in the same foreign currency in which it was paid.
5- Only 30% of the value of the "customs tax" is deposited in a foreign currency deposit, provided that the citizen recovers it after 5 years.
Minister of State for Immigration and Affairs of Egyptians Abroad, Ambassador Suha El-Gendy, affirmed that these amendments come based on continuous communication between the government and Egyptians abroad to listen to their demands, and to amend the law in coordination between the government and the House of Representatives.
Suha El-Gndy expected that the Amendments will be approved in the next plenary session of Parliament.
She stressing that the amendments are a "pleasant surprise" for a large segment of Egyptians wishing to benefit from this initiative, provided that the door for submission of the initiative will be closed on May 14.