Apply quickly.. jobs at the General Authority in Technological Applications City
The details of the Vacancies in the General Authority for Scientific Research and Technological Applications City, according to what was announced on the website of the government jobs portal.

The Public Authority for the City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, has announced its need to appoint a general manager for architecture and civil engineering.
It is a job that belongs to the specialized jobs of the type of leadership jobs, as this job is located at the top of the jobs of the General Administration of Architectural and Civil Engineering - and the incumbent is specialized in supervising all architectural and civil engineering works and utilities works in the city.
required skills:
Experience in the field of work and the ability to deal with the computer.
- Superior ability to lead, direct, make decisions in a timely manner, innovation and renewal.
The fulfillment of the required conditions according to Law No. 81 of 2016 and its implementing regulations.
Successful completion of the training programs necessary to fill the position.
Applicants pass the prescribed tests.
Artistic skills:
The applicant should have experience in the engineering field.
Years of Experience:
- Spending a period of at least one year in the first job level (A) or spending a total period of at least 17 years consistent with the nature of the work of the job if it is from outside the government sector.
Qualification requirements:
Relevant engineering qualification.
Required Documents: (Please provide the original and 7 copies of the following requirements)
- An approved employment status statement indicating (date of birth - educational qualification and additional qualifications - performance adequacy reports for the previous three years - penalties - qualitative and temporal experience - supervisory and leadership positions occupied by the applicant - training courses, type and place - letters of thanks and appreciation - any other data he sees advanced add).
Eight (8) recent personal photos (4 x 6).
- Statement of scientific capabilities (degree - proficiency in foreign languages - dealing with computers - participation in conferences - preparation of research and technical notes) supported by supporting documents.
Employment history (performance evaluation reports for the previous three years - his achievements during his career - previous work in similar or similar tasks with the job he is applying for).
- The developmental proposal for the advertised job.
- Personal characteristics (leadership, decision-making and creativity skills - problem solving and crisis management - communication and persuasion skills).
How to apply:
Applications are submitted by hand, to the city at the city’s headquarters in the Universities and Research Centers District - in the new Borg El Arab city in Alexandria - for the technical secretariat of the committee to choose leadership positions. Applications that do not meet the conditions as well as those received by mail will not be considered.