Can foreigners buy real estate in Saudi Arabia?

Foreigners (non-Saudi residents) can buy real estate in Saudi Arabia according to the terms of the law.
Foreign residents are entitled to obtain approval to own real estate for private residential purposes, while investors are allowed to purchase real estate to carry out their activities after obtaining the necessary licenses.
Those wishing to purchase real estate must follow simple procedures through the Absher electronic platform, and must submit the required documents, such as a valid copy of the residence permit and a copy of the real estate deed.
Can foreigners buy real estate in Saudi Arabia?
1. Foreigners (non-Saudi residents) are allowed to own real estate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the law issued by the Saudi Council of Ministers on April 6, 2000.
2. The purpose of owning real estate is required to be private housing for foreign residents, and foreign investors are allowed to purchase real estate to practice their activities after obtaining the necessary licenses.
3. Certain conditions are specified, such as that the cost of the investment project should not be less than 30 million riyals and that the property must be invested within 5 years.
4. A foreign resident is prohibited from purchasing property in Mecca and Medina, but can rent a property for up to two years.
5. To purchase real estate in the Kingdom, foreigners can follow simple procedures through the Absher electronic platform, where they submit a purchase request and attach the required documents, such as a copy of residency and the first passport they entered the Kingdom with.
Foreigners may own real estate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the following conditions are met:
• The investor submits evidence of approval and license to practice a profession, craft, or economic activity from the competent authority, which allows them to own the property.
• The value of the investment project must not be less than 30 million riyals if the ownership is for the purpose of investment.
• The minimum investment period is 5 years starting from the date of ownership registration.
• Foreigners are allowed to rent only within Mecca and Medina for a maximum of two years, with the possibility of extending a maximum of two times.
• Approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required for international bodies, corporate headquarters and legal individuals.
• Approval from the Ministry of Interior is required for foreigners wishing to own a property for private residence.
• The foreigner must have a valid residence permit.
• Only one property is allowed to be owned within the Kingdom.
Conditions for submitting an application to own a property for non-Saudis through the Absher platform:
1. Residency must be valid.
2. The applicant must not be arrested.
3. Providing all information about the property.
4. Bring a copy of the real estate deed.