15 conditions for filling the position of electrical engineers and technicians
Those who obtain the highest scores in the tests are contracted according to the company's need in its various locations and according to the place of residence recorded in the national ID card

The Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company, in its announcement No. 2 of 2023, clarified the conditions that must be met by applicants for electrical engineer positions, and Electrical technicians to work with the “Al Waradi” system, according to the company’s personnel regulations.
Conditions for joining the position of electrical engineer
According to the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company and in accordance with Announcement No. 2 of 2023, the conditions required for applicants to fill the position of “engineer specializing in electrical power” are as follows:
1- To be a recent graduate.
2- The applicant should have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, specializing in Power Electricity, with a general grade of no less than good.
3- Registered with the Engineers Syndicate.
4- The age should not exceed 32 years at the time of application
5- Must be performed military service or has been completely exempted from it.
6- Must be of Egyptian nationality
7- Passing the required tests
8- Working with the “Wardy” system at the company’s sites.
Conditions required for applicants for the position of Electrical technicians:
To have a 3- and 5-year industrial diploma in an electrical section or an industrial technical institute in an electrical section.
1- The age should not exceed 30 years for an Electrical technician.
2- Must be performed military service or has been completely exempted from it.
3- To be of Egyptian nationality.
4- Passing the required tests.
Applying for the job
Those who obtain the highest scores in the tests are contracted according to the company's need in its various locations and according to the place of residence recorded in the national ID card. Working on the "Waradi" system at the company's sites.
Those wishing to fill jobs can apply by uploading a pdf file of the documents on the company’s official website through the link.
Those who have passed the tests that the company will conduct, whether from “electrical engineers or technicians”, will be contracted with a comprehensive reward system, and according to the company’s personnel regulations.
The application is made by those wishing to fill the positions of the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company 2023 for a period of seven days, starting from the date of, Friday, the 9th of June 2023, until the end of the 15th of the same month.