7 highest annual deposits in Egyptian banks with a monthly return.. Choose the best
Egyptian banks are distinguished by different types of deposits, and according to the return rates table for September 2023, we monitor in the following lines the 7 highest annual deposits in Egyptian banks with a monthly return.
1. National Bank of Egypt
The return at the National Bank on the deposit from one to seven years ranges between 7.6% and 8.31%, and the minimum deposit is one thousand pounds.
The National Bank of Egypt provides a large number of certificates, including investment certificates that also contain many different terms and returns.
As for the rate of return for an investment certificate for a period of one year, it is 11.5%, and the following is the most important information about it:
The best one-year investment certificate
It is permissible to borrow against the guarantee of this certificate.
- The certificate is redeemed at the end of the period for its full nominal value, and it can be redeemed after 6 months from the working day following the day of purchase according to the redemption values prepared in this regard.
The return is disbursed through automated teller machines spread throughout the republic.
2. Housing and Development Bank
The return on the Housing and Development Bank deposit for one year reaches 5.57%, and the minimum is 5 thousand pounds.
3. Cairo Bank
The deposit for one year and less than two years in Banque du Caire has a return of up to 4.25%, and the minimum is 5 thousand pounds.
4. Attijari Wafa Bank
The general deposit reaches a return of 6%, and the minimum is 20 thousand pounds.
5. Bank of Alexandria
The return on a deposit with a monthly return and a period of one year reaches 8.75%, and the minimum is one thousand pounds.
6. SAIB Bank
The return on the general deposit is 14.4%, and the minimum deposit is 150 thousand pounds.
7. Export Development Bank
The return on the Export Development Bank deposit is 8%, the period is one year, and the minimum is one thousand pounds.