4 ways you will achieve big profits in 2023
there are a number of ways which a citizen can preserve the value of his savings.

There are many ways in which citizens can make profits, and they lie in real estate investment, buying gold, or savings certificates to preserve the value of savings in light of high inflation.
Real Estate Investment
Economist Bilal Shuaib revealed to the citizens a number of ways through which a citizen can preserve the value of his savings, most notably:
1- Investing in real estate, pointing out that buying real estate is one of the most important safe investment methods that preserve the value of money.
What distinguishes real estate investment is that it gives a good monthly return in the case of renting the property if the citizen owns another housing unit, and also one of the assets whose value increases with time.
But the only problem facing those who invest in the property is the difficulty of marketing and resale again, given that the value may be high and it is difficult for the buyer to provide full cash.
Savings certificates
2- Buying savings certificates from banks, which are considered one of the first recommended nominations, given that they give a good monthly return of up to 15 thousand pounds per month if the citizen buys certificates worth about one million pounds, explaining that treasury bills are considered a safe investment, as they give a greater return It is one of bank savings certificates, and it is easy to liquidate it at any time, especially if there is a drop in the currency rate.
Buying shares on the stock exchange
3- Buying shares on the stock exchange, provided that they are subscriptions and do not last more than several months and exit at an appropriate point.
Buying Gold
4- Gold is a safe haven for investment, especially since it is the real value of cash, and it is one of the safe means of investment, indicating that the past three years, especially with the onset of the Corona pandemic, gold prices achieved gains of about 100%, and whoever wants to invest his money in gold must buy Ingots and pounds, and avoid artifacts to avoid workmanship