14 Economic information on the centenary of Egyptian American relations
The first American representation in Egypt came in Alexandria on January 12, 1832. In April 1947, the Egyptian Army Chief of Staff visited American military bases and factories.

Today is the centenary of Egyptian-American relations, whose roots go back to the nineteenth century. The beginning of these relations dates back to the signing of the American-Turkish commercial treaty on May 7, 1830, as American relations with Egypt were limited when Egypt was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and Britain.
The first American representation in Egypt came in Alexandria on January 12, 1832. In April 1947, the Egyptian Army Chief of Staff visited American military bases and factories.
In September 1947, Egypt officially requested an American military mission to train Egyptian forces. Relations between Egypt and the United States were resumed in March 1974, and since then there has been a mutual awareness of their importance to each other.
Egyptian-American relations varied between various fields during the last three decades of the twentieth century, including the economic relations between the two sides.
economic relations
- The beginning of American aid to Egypt dates back to the early years of the July Revolution in 1952.
- In 1974, an amount of $250 million was approved as economic aid for Egypt, to be distributed between the cleansing of the Suez Canal and the reconstruction of the Canal cities, as well as the purchase of food and industrial products.
- In January 1988, the system for providing US economic aid to Egypt was amended to obtain it in cash.
- After 1988, the participation of the United States in developing and supporting Egyptian productive and industrial projects became an important indicator that reflects the strength of Egyptian-American relations in all fields.
- In September 1994, a draft partnership agreement for economic growth and development was signed between Egypt and America.
- US investments amount to about $23 billion in various sectors in Egypt.
- The volume of trade exchange between Egypt and the United States of America reached $9.1 billion during 2021.
- The value of Egypt's exports to America amounted to 3.4 billion dollars during the past year.
- America's exports to Egypt amounted to $5.7 billion.
- The most important commodities exported from Egypt are food commodities, ready-made garments, textiles, iron and steel, and petroleum products.
- $65.8 billion, the value of trade exchange between Egypt and America in the 10 years to 2020.
- 10- Exports amounted to $15.8 billion, and imports amounted to $50 billion, during the period from 2010 to 2019.
- According to the data of the Statistics Authority, the most important Egyptian imports are (cereals, medicinal plants, fodder, boilers, machinery and mechanical devices, plastics and their products, and meat).
- The value of American investments in Egypt over 10 years amounted to $16.9 billion.