Zahi Hawass: The theft of 2,000 artifacts from the Museum of London is a crime against the world

Archaeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass said that the British Museum committed a major crime not only against Egypt, but also against the entire world.
He added that 200 artifacts were stolen from this museum, and this is an extremely dangerous matter.
He pointing out that what happened is evidence that the museum is unsafe and unsafe regarding the antiquities it contains.
Hawass continued, during a televised interview, “I debated with a number of museum directors in Europe during the “Breakfast Debate” programme. Destruction of antiquities, these countries do not have good museums, etc.
British Museum
He pointed out that, during the debate, he attacked their claims, stressing that a revolution had occurred in Egypt and the antiquities were still as they were before, denouncing the colonialism that destroyed this country.
He concluded: “The British Museum contains antiquities from all countries of the world, and many countries such as Greece, Ethiopia and others are demanding the return of their antiquities to them at the present time.”
For his part, journalist Ahmed Moussa said: All Egyptians, including international player Mohamed Salah, must join Egypt’s campaign to recover its history and antiquities from Britain and other countries. Pointing out that the words of an international star like Mohamed Salah about Egyptian antiquities abroad will be very influential.
Recovery of Egyptian antiquities
During his program “On My Responsibility,” Moussa called on the Egyptian player Mohamed Salah to join the campaign to recover stolen and looted Egyptian antiquities, most notably the Rosetta Stone and all the Egyptian antiquities in the British Museum, stressing that Mohamed Salah has a responsibility towards his country and must support this campaign.
He pointed out that Mohamed Salah will not remain in Britain for the rest of his life, and he must support Egypt because it is more important than Britain, and Salah will not be late for anything the state requests.
He added that the Egyptian state has preserved half of the world's antiquities.