Tag: private sector

Incentives to support and encourage private sector investment and job creation

Incentives to support and encourage private sector investment...

Egypt succeeded in occupying the fourth Arab position in the production of liquefied...

The "State Ownership Document"... the gateway to stimulating the free economy and partnership with the private sector

The "State Ownership Document"... the gateway to stimulating...

The state ownership policy document is represented in the government’s focus on...

HR & Recruitment
Raise the minimum wage for the private sector in early July

Raise the minimum wage for the private sector in early...

New increase in the minimum wage comes within the framework of the Egyptian state's...

Business Consultations
“TSFE” plans to transform "Downtown" into a technology zone

“TSFE” plans to transform "Downtown" into a technology...

Details of the state's plan for the Liberation Council, the National Party, and...

5 banks offer investment certificates with the highest monthly return

5 banks offer investment certificates with the highest...

Private sector banks finished selling certificates of 20% and 22.5% offered earlier...

As a result of Vision 2023.. A significant increase in the non-oil sector in the Saudi economy

As a result of Vision 2023.. A significant increase in...

the non-oil private sector in Saudi Arabia grew at the fastest pace in seven years...

Analytic Reports
Serious crises hit the private sector all over the world

Serious crises hit the private sector all over the world

The climate crisis is more urgent than ever, threats to international trade and...