Payment less than 30,000 pounds.. Soon, fully finished apartments will be offered
Housing completed the implementation of 80% of housing apartments for all Egyptians in Sadat City.

The Social Housing and Real Estate Finance Support Fund, in cooperation with the New Urban Communities Authority, has begun putting the final touches to launch the new phase of the Housing for All Egyptians initiative, according to the conditions that were set in the previous phases of the initiative.
The new phase of housing proposals for all Egyptians includes fully finished housing units in a number of new cities that include 3 rooms with their services, which are likely to be announced before the end of this year.
The new phase of housing for all Egyptians
The new phase of housing for all Egyptians includes units with areas of 90 meters, the delivery period of which ranges from 18 to 36 months from the date of the announcement, to be made available over payment periods that may reach 20 years. In order for the winner to be able to pay the reservation provider, whose selection is being studied, so that it does not exceed 30,000 pounds, while specifying the mechanism for paying the scheduled payments until the receipt process.
Withdrawal of reservation advances
Theses of the new housing initiative for all Egyptians will include applicants to the last stage of the offering for those who are out of priority and who did not withdraw the reservation advances. Provided that the units are awarded to those who meet the conditions according to the announced prices of the new offering.
Along with citizens who apply for units for the first time, and it is expected that the next few weeks will witness the launch of the new phase of housing for all Egyptians.
New cities and provinces
The offering is expected to include a number of new cities and governorates, most notably New October, Badr, Hadayek Al-Asimah, 15 May New Obour, Burj Al-Arab, New Sohag, West Nasser, New Qena, and New Aswan.
It is currently being counted in preparation for placing it within the offering plan, but the Social Housing Fund is also currently studying the final prices that will be announced during the new offering, in cooperation with the responsible authorities.
The date for offering housing apartments for all Egyptians 5
New housing proposals for all Egyptians will start during the last quarter of 2023.
The offering will take place after finalizing the final plans.
The apartments are supposed to be delivered in a period between 18 and 36 months, according to the implementation schedule.
In related con text, The head of the Sadat City Authority indicated that a number of housing units are being implemented in the presidential initiative, “the housing of all Egyptians,” in the axis of low-income people in the Al-Firdous district, where the percentage of building implementation has reached 80%, and that poles and lighting panels are being supplied and installed to release electric current in buildings and level the general site in the neighborhood.