December 16... Finally the International Monetary Fund includes Egypt on its meeting schedule
the Minister of Finance, said in press statements that the first installment of the International Monetary Fund's loan will amount to approximately $750 million, and "we hope it will be this month".

In a step that Egypt was eagerly waiting for, the International Monetary Fund included Egypt in its schedule of meetings on Friday, December 16.
economic reform
This step was taken by the International Monetary Fund to discuss the fate of the cooperation program with Egypt in the economic reform which was initially agreed upon at the expert level.
Agreement International Monetary Fund
Earlier, the International Monetary Fund announced that reaching an agreement at the expert level on a 46-month economic reform program includes Egypt obtaining a loan worth $3 billion, in addition to $6 billion, including $1 billion from the Fund's Sustainability Fund and $5 billion from international partners and regional.
The first installment of the loan is approx $750 million
Commenting on the International Monetary Fund's statement, Muhammad Moait, the Minister of Finance, said in press statements that the first installment of the International Monetary Fund's loan will amount to approximately $750 million, and "we hope it will be this month."