55.5 billion m3.. Egypt's share of water from the Nile River
There are projects for the Upper Nile and dams, and the state deals with it with the utmost wisdom, so that citizens, farmers and farms are not affected

Irrigation Minister Hani Sweilem reassured the citizens about the quality of the Nile water and announced Egypt's share in the Nile water.
He said, “I would like to reassure you about the quality of the water in the Nile River. There are purifications that are carried out periodically to prevent any pollution,” indicating that there are efforts being made to raise awareness regarding water conservation.
55.5 billion m3 is our share of the Nile River :
Dr. Hani Sweilem said: "We have 55.5 billion cubic meters, our share of the Nile River, and the state is doing everything to preserve the Nile water, through the efforts of all the ministries concerned with the issue, and the Ministry of Irrigation is one of the institutions, and the issue is very complicated".
Upper Nile projects and dams :
He pointed out that there are projects for the Upper Nile and dams, and the state deals with it with the utmost wisdom, so that citizens, farmers and farms are not affected, especially starting with the water in the Renaissance Dam, and water drainage, especially when it reaches the High Dam in order to secure water for the Egyptian people.
Renaissance Dam file :
The minister said about the Renaissance Dam: “Talking about the effects that occur from the Renaissance Dam is correct,” indicating that there is a daily follow-up of what is happening in the Renaissance Dam, saying:" I receive a daily report of everything that happens".
He emphasized that dealings were done with the utmost wisdom regarding the third filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, saying: We gained experience in previous years to deal with the future regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam file.
Egypt's share in the Nile waters :
He said: "I assure the Egyptian people of Egypt's share of the Nile water, and all state institutions are playing their role to the fullest in this regard".
In the same context, the minister indicated that Egypt is facing a water deficit estimated at 35 billion cubic meters, noting that this pushes the import of agricultural crops from abroad.
He announced that the ministry manages the water network with high efficiency and reuses water, stressing that national projects need approximately 8 billion additional cubic meters.
The Minister of Irrigation confirmed that groundwater is non-renewable and is dealt with utmost care and good management.
The Minister of Water Resources pointed out that there are nearly a million acres that are irrigated through the modern irrigation system, stressing that the modern system cannot be applied to all types of lands, such as the lands of the Delta, explaining that drip irrigation increases productivity.