5 steps.. Know how to receive a social housing apartment
A citizen may not benefit from more than one unit of the social housing program, whether they are housing units or plots of land intended for construction

The Ministry of Housing has identified many controls related to social housing apartments, as well as the steps for receiving the unit.
Law No. 93 of 2018 regarding the promulgation of the Social Housing Law and real estate financing support prohibits citizens from benefiting from more than one unit of the social housing program.
Benefit from more than one unit
Article 3 of the law states, “A citizen may not benefit from more than one unit of the social housing program, whether they are housing units or plots of land intended for construction. This prohibition includes the person and his family, which consists of a wife and minor children.”
Obligated to live in the unit
Article 4 of the law stipulates that the beneficiary is obligated to live in the unit, as it stipulates: “The beneficiary is obligated to use a residential unit of the social housing program to live in and occupy it for him and his family on a regular and permanent basis for a period of not less than five years from the date of receiving it, with the exception of this.
Not selling the unit
It is prohibited for the beneficiaries of the housing units to dispose of them or deal with them or part thereof with any kind of disposal and dealings before the expiration of the period stipulated in the first paragraph, or obtaining the approval of the fund’s board of directors. The lapse of five years from the date of approval of the building’s complete suitability certificate for occupancy from the competent administrative authority for planning and organizing affairs, or obtaining the approval of the fund’s board of directors.
Any disposal of the units or lands of the social housing program that is carried out in violation of the provisions of this law and the decisions issued for its implementation shall be null and void.
The Ministry of Housing, represented by the Urban Communities Authority and the Social Housing and Real Estate Finance Fund, is working on completing the work of implementing new phases of its projects in preparation for handing over the detained citizens, after completing the privatization procedures and obtaining the necessary financing.
The steps to hand over your apartment are as follows:
1. Pay the value of the electricity meter at the City Authority.
Required documents: the original apartment contract for viewing - a copy of the contract - a copy of the card
2. Contracting a water meter
Location: Citizens Service Headquarters at the City Authority.
3. Contracting the electricity meter in the name of the owner of the unit and recording the data of the charging card
Location: Electricity Company
4. Inspecting the apartment and making a receipt report
Required Documents:
The original apartment contract for viewing - a copy of the contract - a copy of the Identification card - Water meter payment receipt - the electricity meter payment receipt - the electricity contract payment receipt.
5. Receipt stamp
The location is the city headquarters
Documents: Minutes of receipt of the signed apartment - citizen's card for review.
On another side, The Ministry of Housing said, in a statement issued by it, that Minister Dr. Assem Al-Jazzar has followed up the executive position of the second phase of housing the employees of the New Administrative Capital, which is being implemented in Badr City, where 4,704 housing units are being implemented.