255 billion riyals.. The size of the construction sector in Saudi Arabia
The target sectors of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 include housing projects, education, energy, health, Hajj and Umrah, transportation, communications, tourism, entertainment, the water sector, and others.

The size of the construction sector exceeds 255 billion riyals and represents 6% of the Kingdom's gross domestic product.
Eng. Zakaria bin Abdul Rahman Al-Abd Al-Qader, Chairman of the Saudi Contractors Authority, said that the contracting sector is the second largest non-oil activity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
He Pointing out that its impact reaches all parts of the country and represents 6% of the GDP, and its volume exceeds 255 billion Saudi riyals annually.
Authority's strategic
From this standpoint, the Authority's strategic direction came to build local and regional strategic partnerships, provide an attractive work environment for investors, encourage development and innovation with organizing and participating in specialized local and regional exhibitions, conferences and events, and provide high-impact services and solutions for the contracting sector.
Zakaria said that the authority aims to help achieve the goals of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, explaining that the contracting sector is one of the most important tools for enabling the vision as the executive arm for carrying out construction projects, operation and maintenance projects, and services in all targeted sectors.
Target sectors
This comes in addition to the fact that this sector participates in the implementation of major strategic projects that are supervised by the Saudi Public Investment Fund, such as the NEOM project, The Line, Qiddiya, the Red Sea, Amala, and others.
He added that it intersects with 6 axes out of 24 of the commitments of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 drawn by the Saudi Crown Prince.
The target sectors of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 include housing projects, education, energy, health, Hajj and Umrah, transportation, communications, tourism, entertainment, the water sector, and others.
He pointed out that the Saudi Contractors Authority is a professional body with legal personality and independent financial liability.
Develop the contracting sector
It was established by virtue of a decision of the Council of Ministers and aims to develop the contracting sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and raise the level of workers in this profession.
It Encouraging investment in joint projects in the contracting sector, and representing the sector in relevant international committees, bodies, federations and syndicates.
$270 billion
The Commission adopted the establishment of an annual international forum to present projects and future investment opportunities in the Kingdom to draw a road map for all workers in the contracting sector.
More than three thousand projects with a value of more than one thousand billion Saudi riyals or approximately 270 billion US dollars were presented, stressing that all this is achieved thanks to the support and empowerment that the Authority receives from the wise government led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his Crown Prince and Prime Minister.