The world's top 5 electric car producers in 2022
China aims to account for 40% of the production of electric cars in 2030.

A research report by Fortune Business Insight indicated that the electric vehicle industry will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 24.3% until 2028.
The majority of countries in the world plan to phase out fossil fuel cars between 2030 and 2035.
China aims to account for 40% of the production of electric cars in 2030.
According to the American Insider Monkey website, the American company Tesla is the largest electric car company in the world in terms of market value, since the European Union’s decision to ban sales of cars that run on gasoline and diesel by 2035, followed by the German Porsche.
Tesla is ahead
The American company Tesla topped the list of the largest electric car companies in the world at the end of last year.
During the third quarter of last year, the company produced more than 365,000 electric vehicles. The company owns 6 factories located in California, Nevada, New York, Shanghai, Texas and Berlin.
The American company is expanding rapidly in China, and announced last November that it had added 43 charging stations and 174 superchargers in the country in October, and plans to increase these stations and chargers in 26 other cities this month, with a market value of about $560.57 billion.
Porsche runner-up
The German company Porsche came in the runner-up position in the list of the largest electric vehicles in the world, with a market value of approximately $90 billion.
Porsche aims to increase the share of electric vehicle deliveries in its total sales to 50% by 2025, and to 80% by the end of the decade.
The German company succeeded in delivering about 25.07 thousand Taycan electric cars during the first 9 months of last year, which represents 11% of the company's total deliveries during this period.
Chinese company BYD
The Chinese company BYD ranked third in the list of the largest electric car companies in the world, with a market value of more than $80 billion. The Chinese company was able to produce 590.8 thousand electric cars during the first 9 months of last year.
The Chinese BYD production, during the month of September alone, amounted to about 97.9 thousand electric cars.
A research report conducted by the “Fortune Business Insight” platform indicated that the industry, which was worth $287 billion in 2021, will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 24.3% until 2028, to settle at $1.3 trillion.
Volkswagen AG
The German company Volkswagen came in fourth place in the list of the largest electric car companies, with a market value of more than $ 70 billion.
It is noteworthy that the Volkswagen Group was founded in 1937 and operates 120 factories in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa.
Volkswagen delivered about 2.2 million cars to customers during the third quarter of this year, of which 149.3 thousand were electric cars.
Mercedes Benz
The German Mercedes-Benz Group ranked fifth in the list of the largest electric car companies in the world. With a market value of more than $60 billion.
And Mercedes-Benz announced, last June, that it aims to switch to fully electric cars by the end of the decade.
The company has allocated about 40 billion euros ($40.017 billion) to invest in battery-powered electric cars between 2022 and 2030.