Granting the golden license to 1.000 investors in Egypt within two years

The General Authority for Investment and Free Zones aims to grant the golden license to 1,000 investors over the next two years.
Hossam Haiba, Executive Director of the Authority, said that the government's decision to grant the golden license to investors wishing to establish strategic projects in Egypt has stimulated a large segment of international companies to be present in the Egyptian market.
Investment opportunities
Thus, offering them the investment opportunities available to them and the incentives offered by the state in this context, accelerates their income.
Egyptian market
The conference, which the Authority seeks to organize, will include presenting facilities and facilitations for existing projects, and reassuring companies worried about entering the Egyptian market.
Especially since the challenges that the world has witnessed recently confirmed that the situation of all investments in one country is not good and it is necessary to be present in more than one country.
Trade agreements
He stressed that attracting a thousand foreign or international companies to the Egyptian market is not difficult in light of the laws that support investment, the abundance of manufacturing inputs from natural gas and electricity, in addition to Egypt's strategic location and the trade agreements that link it with the African and European markets.
According to a statement issued by the Council of Ministers, 13 companies have so far obtained the single approval (the golden licence).
Project activities varied between logistics services, hotel services, manufacturing and packaging of vaccines and human and veterinary serums, manufacturing and producing car filters, and electrical appliances.
National projects
Article 20 of the Investment Law stipulates that “it is permissible, by a decision of the Council of Ministers, to grant companies that are established for the establishment of strategic or national projects that contribute to achieving development, or partnership projects between the private sector and the state, in the activities of public utilities and infrastructure, or new and renewable energy, or Roads and transportation, or ports, one approval to set up, operate, and manage the project, including building permits, and allocating the necessary real estate for it.