Gas delivery to 14 million homes.. Oil achievements in a year
The Ministry of Petroleum was able to provide energy supplies and petroleum materials to citizens, whether for personal use in cars or power plants.

In light of the Russian-Ukrainian war, oil supplies were disrupted in many countries during the last period, and its prices rose all over the world, Despite this, the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources achieved many successes during the current year 2022, despite all the difficulties it faced from economic crises.
Availability of power supply
The Ministry of Petroleum was able to provide energy supplies and petroleum materials to citizens, whether for personal use in cars or power plants, despite the high import costs due to the recent global crises, and at a time when many major countries suffer from low stocks of energy and petroleum materials and exorbitantly high prices.
69.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas production
The Ministry of Petroleum was able to secure the needs of the state and citizens with sufficient strategic reserves to face crises, as a result of the plans put in place by the ministry to ensure the availability of products, as natural gas production reached 69.2 billion cubic meters in the year 2021-2022.
Home delivery of natural gas
The ministry, represented by natural gas delivery companies to homes, was able to increase the number of housing units operating with natural gas, especially in the most needy villages of the Decent Life Initiative, as natural gas was introduced during the current year to many villages in the governorates, including Sharqiya and Qena; This is in addition to the fact that there are more than 14 million housing units benefiting from natural gas nationwide so far.
Attracting foreign investments
The Ministry of Petroleum has also succeeded in attracting foreign investments to the local market by increasing the work of companies operating in Egypt in many fields, whether oil, natural gas or mining.
The current year witnessed the attraction of many major international companies in the field of research and exploration for petroleum materials to the Egyptian market, which enabled the country to discover many gas fields and oil wells that will contribute significantly to increasing the country's production and reserves.