After 33,000 people killed in the Arzinjan earthquake.. Injury and death 2,800 people today in Turkey

Today, a terrible earthquake struck parts of Turkey and Syria, leaving thousands dead and injured in one of the biggest disasters that saddened the world.

After 33,000 people killed in the Arzinjan earthquake.. Injury and death 2,800 people today in Turkey
Earthquake in Turkey

After 33,000 people were killed in the Arzinjan earthquake, 2,800 people were killed today in Turkey

 Today, a terrible earthquake struck parts of Turkey and Syria, leaving thousands dead and injured in one of the biggest disasters that saddened the world.

Scary numbers

 A powerful earthquake struck a vast area in southeastern Turkey, near the Syrian border, killing thousands of people and trapping others.

 Turkish Vice President Fuad Oktay announced that the death toll in his country had risen to 284 dead and 2,323 injured, with more than 1,700 buildings collapsed as a result of the earthquake.

Arzanjan earthquake

 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the earthquake as the biggest disaster in Turkey after the Erzincan earthquake in 1939.

 The Arzinjan earthquake is classified as the deadliest earthquake in Turkey's modern history.

More than 33 thousand dead

 The Arzinjan earthquake destroyed more than 116,000 buildings. Due to winter and bad weather, relief efforts were hampered, and the survivors initially lacked a significant amount of assistance.

 On the same day of the earthquake, the temperature in the affected areas was estimated at minus 22 degrees.

  At that time, the Turkish authorities declared a state of emergency in the region before launching an urgent rescue operation.

During January 1940, the number of victims rose to nearly 33,000 dead, most of whom died either directly because of the earthquake or because of the severe cold and snow storms after losing their homes, in addition to more than 100,000 wounded.