9 information about the latest oil discovery in Egypt.. produces 2,500 barrels per day

9 information about the latest oil discovery in Egypt.. produces 2,500 barrels per day
Oil discovery

The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources said, a short while ago, that Cheiron Oil Company announced the discovery of new oil reserves, good reserves of high-efficiency crude oil, and placing it on the production line to increase the country's oil production.

The most prominent information about the new disclosure achieved today and announced by the company and the Ministry of Petroleum.

- The new discovery is located in the Jessum and Tawila West concession area in the Gulf of Suez. 

- The General Petroleum Corporation owns 50% of the field. 

- Discovery of field reserves through the exploration well north of North Jessum GNN-11.

Details of the new discovery

- The well contains 165 feet of high-quality net vertical strata in the Nubian Formation, pre-Miocene.

- This is the first time that crude oil has been discovered in the Crude Oil-bearing Nubia Formation in the concession area.

- The well's production is more than 2,500 barrels per day.

Total crude oil production

- Total crude oil production the total production of crude oil was about 23,000 barrels per day after adding the field, compared to about 4,000 barrels per day, before the development of the North Jessum field.

- The well is the fourth, as it was completed through the early production facilities, and 3 more wells can be drilled through the early production facilities.

- Planning is underway to drill an additional number of exploratory wells in the concession area, and to expand the development activity of the North Jessum field (GNN).

 This is the first time that the Nuba Crude Oil-bearing formation has been found in the concession area, and the main producing reservoir in the field is located in the Nakhil Formation.

In addition, Kyron and KUFPEC plan to drill an additional number of exploration wells in the concession area and expand the North Jessom North Field (GNN) development activity.

Last July, Egypt received the first locally manufactured oil rig, to operate it within its fleet in the implementation of drilling and exploration programs in onshore areas.

The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum stated, in a statement, that "Egyptian Minister of Petroleum, Tarek El-Molla, witnessed today the delivery of the first oil rig made in Egypt, at the Egyptian-Chinese Company for Manufacturing Drilling Rig Factory in Ain Sukhna."

The Egyptian Minister of Petroleum had announced, earlier, that there are new energy discoveries expected to be announced in Egypt, with investments estimated at about $8 billion, this year, pumped into the oil and gas sector.