$4.6 billion.. Egypt exports to the Gulf countries

4.6 billion dollars Egypt's exports to the Gulf countries within 11 months.

$4.6 billion.. Egypt exports to the Gulf countries
Egypt exports to the Gulf countries

The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics revealed that Egyptian exports to the Gulf countries increased to $4.6 billion during the first 11 months of 2022, Compared to $4.5 billion during the same months of the previous year, an increase of $139.6 million.

Egyptian exports to Arab countries

The Mobilization and Statistics Authority pointed out:

1- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranked first among the Gulf countries in terms of the value of Egyptian exports to it, which amounted to $2.1 billion during the first 11 months of 2022.

2- Egyptian exports to the UAE, rose to $1.7 billion during the first 11 months of 2022, compared to $1.5 billion during the same months of the previous year. with increase of $226.5 million

3- Exports to the Sultanate Oman increased to $181.6 million during the first 11 months of 2022, compared to $148.5 million during the same months of the previous year, an increase of $33 million.

4- Egypt increased its exports to Kuwait to $392.2 million during the first 11 months of 2022, compared to $303.7 million during the same months of the previous year, with an increase of $88.4 million.

5- Exports to Qatar doubled from $3.5 million to $19.6 million, an increase of $16.1 million.

6- Egypt's exports to Bahrain declined significantly from $439.8 million to $63 million during the same comparison period, with a difference of $376.8 million.

General total of Egypt's exports to the countries of the world

The general total of Egypt's exports to the countries of the world recorded $46.8 billion during the period between January and November 2022, compared to $39.3 billion during the corresponding period of the previous year, an increase of $7.5 billion.