Brochure of the Terms of Distinguished Housing Lands 2023.. Reservation started with 6 new cities
Conditions for reserving social housing lands for low and middle-income people 2023

The Ministry of Housing will start the procedures for booking the new offering of the lands of the Maskan project tomorrow, Tuesday, as 3 types of lands will be offered, and they are the lands of medium, premium and most exclusive housing.
In the following report, we explain the full details of the prime housing plots, which are as follows:
155 plots of land are being offered in the distinctive lands axis, in El Shorouk cities - Hadayek October - New Salhia - New Burj Al Arab - New Fayoum - New Beni Suef.
Steps for reserving the offered plots of land
1- The steps for reserving the offered plots of land, which will take place from Tuesday, August 22, for a period of two months until October 21, start by entering the reservation website here, to view the available plots of land in each axis.
2- Those wishing to book create a new account (for new customers), fill in the required data such as (national number - name from the national ID card - email - mobile number - current address), then choose the axis and city to be booked in, and choose the location, and clicking on the word Details, to show him a list of all available plots of land (sketches - detailed table).
3- He completes the rest of the reservation procedures described in detail on the site, including (insert the payment currency for the remainder of the price of the land for the most exclusive plots of land - insert the percentage of completion for the remainder of the land price for the axes of the privileged and medium plots of land), and even extract the reservation form that includes all the data and options listed by the confiscator. And it is signed and attached after signing to the website, as well as attaching a receipt for the seriousness of the reservation and study fees.
4- The Urban Communities Authority confirmed that in the event of overcrowding over a single plot of land in the axis of privileged and medium plots of land, the highest percentage of completion for the remainder of the price of the plot of land will be referred to.
Brochure of terms of the lands of the most distinguished individuals in 3 new cities
Today, the new Ministry of Housing and Urban Communities opened the door for reserving the lands of the most distinguished individuals in the new cities within the Maskan program, which will last for two months, without reservation precedence.
The offering includes
The offering includes 522 plots of land, including 38 plots of land in the most exclusive land axis in cities (New Cairo - Obour - New Mansoura).
In New Cairo, one plot is available within the most exclusive lands, with an area of 715 square meters, and it is located in District 6 in Qronfol, and in Obour City, there are 4 plots of land with an average area of 800 square meters per piece, located specifically in the third district, and in New Mansoura, there are 33 plots with an average area of 600 square meters, it is located in the second phase in the fifth district.
The lands offered in the cities of New Cairo and El-Obour are ready for immediate delivery, except for the plots available in New Mansoura, which will be delivered on 6/30/2026.