5 investment alternatives away from gold
Dr. Ali Al-Idrisi, Professor of Economics at the Arab Academy for Maritime Transport, explained the top 5 Investment alternatives away from gold.

In light of the high prices witnessed during this period, some citizens are looking for safe alternatives to investment that are profitable at the same time, and bring them a financial return.
Although gold is a safe haven for saving and investing money, it achieves a financial return in the long run, adding that there are other safe alternatives through which people can invest their money and achieve a financial return.
Dr. Ali Al-Idrisi, Professor of Economics at the Arab Academy for Maritime Transport, explained the top 5 Investment alternatives away from gold, which are:
Investment certificates
Investment certificates in banks; It is the safest alternative, and a person can invest his money through it, and achieve a guaranteed and sure financial return, It is completely risk free.
Treasury bills
"Treasury bills" come second to investment alternatives, and a person gets through them an interest estimated at more than 18%, pointing out that despite deducting 20% taxes from the value of the return or interest, it is a good and safe way to invest money, but rather It has the advantage over investment certificates in that it can be sold at any time the customer wants, unlike investment certificates that must wait for the date to be “unpacked” or lose part of the profit.
What applies to treasury bills also applies to bonds offered by banks in terms of guaranteeing returns and achieving profit.
Commercial projects
According to what was explained by the economics professor at the Arab Academy for Maritime Transport, commercial projects are among the most profitable means, whether in the long or short term, but they need a person who is familiar with what the market needs and has sufficient experience.
Stock market
Despite the great financial return achieved by investing in the stock exchange, it needs a person who is fully knowledgeable in dealing in this field and is able to read budgets.