Top 3 investment certificates in banks now

Many citizens searched in various search engines for the top 3 investment certificates in banks now, which came as follows:
National Bank of Egypt
The National Bank of Egypt offers a three-year investment certificate with an annual interest rate of 22% in the first year, then it decreases to 18% in the second year, and in the third year, it becomes 16%.
The bank offers savings accounts with a distinctive return, and offers savings accounts with a distinctive competitive return, such as a return certificate for customers over 60 years old, in addition to offering a certificate with the highest return in the banking market, 66%, for a period of 3 years, which is paid out at the end of the period. A day-by-day product is being launched to suit the needs of customers.
Types of National Bank certificates
● Platinum Certificate: This is the certificate that is issued with a return of 19%, paid out monthly for 3 years, and the minimum purchase amount is 1000 pounds and multiples thereof.
● Graduated Platinum Certificate: These are certificates with returns of up to 22%, 18%, and 16%, disbursed monthly for a period of 3 years with a minimum purchase of 1,000 pounds and multiples thereof.
● The five-year certificate, which is issued with a return of up to 12.25% for a period of 5 years. The minimum purchase amount is 1000 pounds and multiples thereof.
● The Dollar Plus Certificate has a return of up to 7% on a quarterly basis for 3 years, and the minimum purchase amount is $1,000 and multiples thereof so far.
Banque Misr
Banque Misr offers distinct savings certificates with an interest rate of up to 22%, and the bank provides many certificates that suit all customers at prices starting from 1,000 Egyptian pounds.
● Testimony of Ibn Misr.
● Savings certificate with a fixed return for 5 years.
● Savings certificate with a fixed return for 7 years.
● Triple certificate with annual variable return.
● Triple certificate with quarterly variable return.
● Selection certificate with cumulative return.
● Arabian African Bank
The Arab African Bank introduced a new savings certificate, clarifying that the minimum for issuing the certificate is 5,000 pounds and in multiples of 1,000 Egyptian pounds, without a maximum.
According to the bank, the duration of the certificate is three years with an interest rate of 65%, and the return is received at the end of the period. The Arab African International Bank offers a triple savings certificate with a return of 40%, paid in advance to all individual clients.
The duration of the certificate is 3 years, and the minimum purchase amount for one certificate is 5,000 pounds and its multiples, and its value cannot be redeemed except after 6 months have passed from linking the certificate, taking into account deducting a percentage of the return paid in advance and the cumulative interest rate, and it is not renewed after the due date, and the certificate also allows Possibility of borrowing up to 50% of the original certificate amount.