Removing all obstacles.. The state offers new incentives and facilities to investors
The government is making significant investments in infrastructure, including roads, airports, and ports. It is also working on establishing new industrial and commercial areas.

The state is working hard to improve the investment climate in Egypt and remove all obstacles facing the investor, whether local or foreign, to attract more investments, create new job opportunities, and advance economic development.
1. Expanding the investor base
2. Promoting the investment culture in the market
3. Enhance general financial awareness and knowledge
4. Building confidence by guaranteeing the rights of minority investors
This is according to the document of the economic and social development plan for the new fiscal year 2023/2024 submitted by the Minister of Planning, Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, and approved by Parliament in both chambers (Representatives, Senate).
These targets come within an integrated government plan and vision to revitalize the stock market during the medium-term plan, which ends by the fiscal year 2025/2026.
Improving investment in Egypt
The state seeks to improve investment in Egypt through a set of measures, including:
1. Improving infrastructure, and providing industrial and commercial lands at reasonable prices.
2. Simplifying bureaucratic procedures and creating an electronic portal to deal with investors.
3. Providing tax and financial incentives to investors.
4. Protecting the rights of investors and ensuring fair treatment for them.
Here are some details of these procedures:
• Improving Infrastructure: The government is making significant investments in infrastructure, including roads, airports, and ports. It is also working on establishing new industrial and commercial areas.
• Provision of industrial and commercial lands at reasonable prices: The government provides industrial and commercial lands at reasonable prices to investors, through the establishment of new industrial and commercial areas, and the sale of lands under the usufruct right.
• Simplifying bureaucratic procedures: The government has simplified bureaucratic procedures and established an online portal to deal with investors. This is in order to facilitate and accelerate the investment process in Egypt.
• Providing tax and financial incentives to investors: The government offers a range of tax and financial incentives to investors, including tax exemptions, soft loans, and technical support.
• Protecting the rights of investors: The government works to protect the rights of investors, and to ensure fair treatment for them. This is done by issuing laws that protect the rights of investors, and establishing mechanisms to settle disputes between investors and the government.
• Through these measures, the government seeks to create an attractive investment climate for investors, and to achieve sustainable economic development.