Egypt is one of the promising countries in the field of green hydrogen.. know whay?

The Information and Decision Support Center at the Council of Ministers affirmed that Egypt is one of the promising countries in the field of green hydrogen, with its potential to attract various local and foreign investments in this field.
It comes in light of the future plans to be implemented in green hydrogen projects, which highlights the importance of having a legislative framework to regulate hydrogen production projects and its various uses in Egypt, to maximize Egypt's integration into the global green hydrogen production market.
The information center explained the world's recent increasing trend towards the use of renewable sources of energy and the shift towards the use of clean energy, including green hydrogen, against the background of the desire to get rid of excess carbon from the atmosphere. To reach net zero carbon emissions.
Green hydrogen
Countries have adopted integrated strategies with the aim of promoting this trend, and one of the pioneering countries in this field is the State of Japan by announcing its strategy in 2017, then countries adopted successively national strategies for hydrogen, bringing the number of strategies to about 30 strategies, in addition to the legislative frameworks that countries announced their adoption or Modified to stimulate investments towards green hydrogen.
The global production of green hydrogen during 2022 amounted to about 75 million metric tons annually, and an additional 45 million tons annually as part of the gas mix, and this global production of green hydrogen is equivalent to 3% of the final global demand for energy, which is equivalent to annual energy consumption. for Germany.
Green hydrogen in 2050
It is worth noting that Goldman Sachs indicated that green hydrogen is expected to provide about 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050, and to become a directable market worth about $10 trillion during the same year, in addition to being set to exceed Investing in green hydrogen production will be $1 billion annually in 2023, according to the US-British information provider “Market HIS”.
China is the largest producer
The information center indicated that China is the largest producer and consumer of pure hydrogen in the world, as it produces about 24 million tons annually, and this production is approximately one-third of global production, while the United States of America ranked second in the consumption and production of hydrogen in the world; As it represents 13% of the global demand for hydrogen in 2022.
Many jobs opportunities
The center highlighted the motives for encouraging investments in green hydrogen, and the most prominent of these motives is the provision of many job opportunities, which contributes to reducing unemployment and promoting economic development, For example, the green hydrogen industry already provides job opportunities for about 420,000 workers in South Korea.
In addition to removing carbon from the planet, in light of the strong growth in demand for hydrogen and the adoption of renewable technologies in the production of fuels based on it; Up to 60 GtCO2 emissions could be avoided in 2021-2050 in a net-zero scenario, representing 6% of the total cumulative emissions reductions.