100 billion pounds.. Britain's exit losses from Brexit

the size of the UK economy has become about 4 times smaller than it would have been if Britain remained a member of the European Union.

100 billion pounds.. Britain's exit losses from Brexit

Thousands of civil servants in Britain have gone on strike, coinciding with the three years since Britain left the European Union.

unrest in Britain

  Today's strikes in Britain are the largest in ten years, as about 300,000 British teachers participate in strikes today, as well as more than 120 British government departments.

The strikes coincide with record levels of inflation in Britain, noting that the United Kingdom loses 100 billion pounds annually due to Brexit.

The United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31, 2020, but it was followed by a transitional period until the end of last year to allow negotiations on the new relationship between London and the European bloc.

British economic losses

According to Bloomberg Economics, the size of the UK economy has become about 4 times smaller than it would have been if Britain remained a member of the European Union.

This is due to the companies' delay in investing their investments effectively, and the increase in the shortage of expatriate workers from the union countries.

UK hurt its economy

Did the UK hurt its economy when it agreed to leave the European Union in 2016?

  1. Separation from the European single market has affected the British economy faster than expected.
  2.   A new poll shows that nearly two-thirds of Britons now support a referendum on returning to the European Union.
  3. It comes at a time when Britain is facing difficult economic challenges, after separating from its main trading partner.
  4. There is growing disillusionment among the population with the promises made by Brexiteers.
  5. Economists Ana Andreide and Dan Hanson believe the economy shrank by 4%.
  6. Business investment has also lagged significantly as the shortage of workers from the European Union widens.

But some believe that Britain's exit from the European Union allows for stimulating trade and reforming financial services rules in favor of banks in London.